
Wood Carving Exhibitions with Para Havatitye

Wood Carving Exhibitions with Para Havatitye in Nenagh Library on Thursday 23rd May @ 10am to 12pm. Master wood carver Para Havatitye has a unique gift for crafting sculptures by […]

Sing Your Way Down Memory Lane with Suzanne Buttimer

Killenaule library Slieveardagh Cultural and Enterprise Centre, River Street, Killenaule

BEALTAINE FESTIVAL MAY 2024: "Sing your way down memory lane" with Suzanne Buttimer in this fun event, perfect for music lovers and those who enjoy Killenaule's monthly "Tea, Chat and […]


Tea, Chat and a Sing-Song

Killenaule library Slieveardagh Cultural and Enterprise Centre, River Street, Killenaule

The "Tea, Chat and a Sing-Song" in Killenaule library is a relaxed event where a group of individuals get together and have tea (or coffee), a chat and a sing-song! […]

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